Who’s excluding whom?
Who’s excluding whom? Challenging financial services providers to understand why the “unbanked” often choose to remain so In this article by The Economist, in partnership with Mastercard, the issue raised is how financial services providers can reach the 1.7bn “unbanked” adults worldwide, by first considering why they may be choosing to stay in the…
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The Financial Inclusion Summit 2019 Video Library: Ann Cairns and Paul Wade
Ann Cairns, Vice Chairman, Mastercard, UK in conversation with Paul Wade, Assistant Director, NORAD From the parallel growth of Mastercard as a business and its Foundation bringing education to a failing world, to the progress of financial inclusion in the last decade, Ann Cairns points to the fact that the focus needs…
Read Article →New mobile money propositions have the potential to reduce the world’s unbanked population by more than a third
The mobile phone could draw an extra 607 million into the financial mainstream – but access to mobile money is just the first step in achieving true financial inclusion Oslo, Norway (March 28, 2019) – A new report from Mastercard confirms the power of mobile technology to improve financial inclusion. The research shows that…
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The global poor: the world’s most discerning users of financial services?
New research launched at Oslo Summit The global poor: the world’s most discerning users of financial services? If you lived on just a few dollars a day, you’d be forced to live an incredibly wellordered financial life. You’d already be a discerning user of financial services. And you’d almost certainly be served by an…
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