New research launched at Oslo Summit
The global poor: the world’s most discerning users of financial services?
If you lived on just a few dollars a day, you’d be forced to live an incredibly wellordered financial life. You’d already be a discerning user of financial services. And you’d almost certainly be served by an eager network of providers, offering you a good service for a competitive price.
The problem is, most of these providers would operate outside of the financial mainstream – leaving you vulnerable, lacking protection and keeping you locked-out of building your own financial history. And, if you were a woman – only half of whom currently have access to mobile phones compared to men – you would become even harder to reach if the primary distribution channel to serve the unbanked were to be mobile.
New research from Mastercard launched at the Financial Inclusion Summit in Oslo on 28 March 2019 looks at how to overcome these and other challenges.
By joining us at this invite-only summit, you can hear the full details. You can find out what it will take for banks and technology companies to out-compete the informal providers (who remain the sole choice of 1.7 billion people worldwide, and the central choice for many more). And you can hear the views of high-ranking delegates from government, civil society, the banking community, and a new breed of fintech innovators and entrepreneurs.
Among the speakers are Ann Cairns, Vice-Chairman of Mastercard, Greta Bull, CEO of CGAP (World Bank) and James Mwangi, CEO of Equity Bank.
We’d be delighted if you would join us for this unusual gathering of leaders and innovators. They promise to bring new thinking on the benefits of financial inclusion – and what it will take to convince more of the world’s poorest people to make better use formal financial services.
This event is by invitation only and we appreciate if you could RSVP as soon as possible to denise@magnacartacomms.com when more information will be shared with you. Access the full programme here.
We look forward to welcoming you to Oslo on 28 March.
#fintechforall | @FinIncSummit